(Mr Moonlight)

It happens to me every night
And can’t you see that I have to pee
Prostates enlarged and there’s a nightly discharge
And for goodness sake I’m wide awake
and I can’t get no sleep not even a peep
Cause I blame you, Mr midnight

Mr Midnight stay away please
Here I am on my knees begging if you please
And the night you don't come my way
I pray and pray more each day
'Cause I blame you, Mister Moonlight

And the night you don't come my way
Oh, I pray and pray more each day
'Cause I blame you, Mister Moonlight
Mister Midnight stay away please

Here I am on my knees begging if you please
And the night you don't come my way
Oh, I pray and pray more each day
'Cause I blame you, Mister Midnight

Mister Midnight, Mister Midnight, Mister Midnight