I'm On The DSM-V

(I Dig a Pony)

Hold it
A one, two, three

I-I-I-I-I got OCD
Well, I have to wash my hands until they’re red and raw
Yes, I have to wash my hands until they’re red and raw

I-I-I-I-I have GAD
Well, anxiety penetrates ev’rywhere where I go
Yes, anxiety penetrates ev’rywhere I go
I told you, all I want is release
Everything has got to be just like I want it please.

I-I-I-I-I ‘ m on the DSM V
Well, there’s an acronym for everything I have
Yes, there’s an acronym for everything I have.
Oh, now

I-I-I-I-I ‘ve got ADD
Well, you know that’s alcohol dependence disorder
Yes, you know that’s alcohol dependence disorder

I told you, all I want is release
Everything has got to be just like I want it please

I-I-I-I-Ive got BP
Well you know that my moods are either high or low
Yes, you know that my moods are either high or low
Oh, now

I-I-I-I-I’’ve got ADHD
Well I can’t concentrate on anything you know
Yes, I can’t concentrate on anything you know
I told you, all I want is release
Everything has got to be just like I want it please

Thank you brothers, look at me hands are gettin' too cold in the corner...