Jules "Oh No" Marks

Rhythm Guitar / Lead Singer

Jules “Oh No” Marks, the rhythm guitarist, lead singer, and primary songwriter of The DSM Feables, is the band’s wild card with a razor-sharp wit and a knack for lyrical brilliance. Known for his biting sarcasm and dark humor, Jules can make even the most mundane sound profound—or profoundly insulting. Living up to his nickname, “Oh No” Jules often finds himself in situations that warrant the exclamation. His struggles with schizophrenia and paranoia mean he’s always a few steps ahead of reality—and sometimes a few steps offstage. He’s been known to interrupt concerts to argue with imaginary critics or conduct interviews with fans who aren’t there. Jules’s substance abuse only adds to the chaotic charm. He’s rarely seen without his trademark flask and a cloud of suspicion. Bandmates recall the time he tried to convince them that their tour bus was being followed by government agents disguised as groupies. Despite the tumult, Jules’s songwriting is nothing short of genius. His lyrics weave together humor, heartbreak, and hallucinatory visions into unforgettable anthems. His acerbic wit cuts through the noise, making every performance a rollercoaster of emotion and unpredictability. Whether he’s strumming, singing, or spiraling into conspiracy theories, Jules “Oh No” Marks is the unpredictable heart of The DSM Feables.

James "Lefty" McSporran

Bass Guitar / Lead Singer

James "Lefty" McSporran, the bass-wielding backbone of The DSM Feables, is as steady on the strings as he is shaky in real life. Sharing songwriting and lead vocal duties with Jule “Oh No” Marks, Lefty is the unsung hero of the band—when he’s not worrying about whether he left the stove on at home. Lefty’s anxiety and neurosis make him a bundle of nerves offstage, constantly fretting over everything from the band's next gig to the cosmic significance of his bass lines. To cope, he indulges in his favorite pastime: cultivating a healthy (or unhealthy) marijuana habit. This gives him a laid-back aura that’s in stark contrast to his perpetual state of inner turmoil. On stage, Lefty’s bass grooves are the glue that holds The DSM Feables together, even if his mind is wandering through a fog of THC. His laid-back demeanor sometimes leads to moments of sheer hilarity, like the time he got lost in his own bass solo and ended up playing a completely different song. Despite his quirks, Lefty’s musical genius shines through, making him an indispensable part of the band. With his bass in hand and a joint nearby, Lefty McSporran is the calm in the Feables’ storm—at least until the paranoia sets in.

Harry "Krsna" Georgeson

Lead Guitar

Harry (Krsna) Georgeson, the electrifying lead guitarist of The DSM Feables, is a maestro who shreds both guitars and nerves. Known for his manic solos and tranquil ballads, Harry's music swings as wildly as his moods. When he's not lighting up the stage, he's busy dodging his GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and tangoing with his bipolar disorder. A man of extremes, Harry's also a part-time nose gymnast, juggling his passion for rock and a not-so-secret love affair with cocaine. But don’t let the chaos fool you—his riffs are as unpredictable as his personality, making every concert a high-voltage adventure. Just remember, with Harry, you’re never quite sure if you’re getting Beethoven or bonkers!

Richie "Fingers" Mooney


Ritchie “Fingers” Mooney, the indefatigable drummer of The DSM Feables, is a rhythmic powerhouse whose sticks move faster than a cheetah on Red Bull. Known for his precision and uncanny ability to keep time, Ritchie’s drum solos are legendary—sometimes stretching on for what feels like hours, much to the delight (and occasional dismay) of his bandmates. Ritchie’s obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) ensures that every drumstick is perfectly aligned and every cymbal is at the exact right angle before a gig. His bandmates joke that if he weren’t a drummer, he’d probably be an overqualified librarian. But behind his meticulously arranged drum kit lies a chaotic secret: Ritchie is a notorious alcoholic. He’s been known to stash flasks in the most unlikely places, including inside his bass drum. Balancing his OCD with his drinking habits is a fine art. He’s been seen sanitizing his drumsticks with one hand while taking a swig with the other. Ritchie’s pre-show ritual involves lining up shot glasses with military precision before downing them in quick succession. Despite his quirks, Ritchie’s drumming is the backbone of The DSM Feables. His beats are as tight as his grip on his whiskey bottle, and his performances, much like his personality, are unforgettable. Whether he’s pounding the skins or pounding back shots, one thing’s certain: Ritchie “Fingers” Mooney is a drumming legend in the making.